Just For Him Ministries was launched in 2005 when Ken and Char MacPhee, sensing God's call, sold their house and most of their belongings and ‘traded up’ for an RV and a truck. For the next 11 years they traveled around the United States bringing Jesus to cities that needed Him most. In 2016 Ken and Charlotte felt a direction shift in their calling. They felt the Lord call them to build a prayer house. Several years prior, a large plastic manufacturing warehouse had been given to the ministry and Ken had always felt that it was supposed to be turned into a prayer room. Finally, that day had come! For the next 6 months, the family worked tirelessly to turn what was once an abandoned plastic factory into a beautiful prayer room that could be a safe place for people to come and worship. As they began to build, the Lord gave the vision of what this building could be and the impact that it could truly have on the local community and perhaps even the world; thus the Impact Center was born. From there, the center as a whole became so much more. It now houses a food pantry, pastoral restoration center, prayer room, coffee shop, and cross fit gym. This wasn’t a new idea to God or a surprise, rather it was all a part of His master plan. If you would have told the MacPhee family 20 years ago that this is where they would be today, they would have said that they served a big God - capable of doing big things.